Tuesday, 12 April 2011

'Finder's Shore' Draft Cover

A cover always makes a book feel 'real' - even though it's still weeks till I'll have the first copy in my hands. Of course, there may yet be a little tweaking, but we're very nearly there. Let me know what you think!

Monday, 11 April 2011

Writing Workshop at Iona

One starter, ten amazing stories. Always great to see where a simple idea can lead; how many different doors it opens; how many unique ways there are to transfer a story from imagination to paper. Can't wait to see the finished (crafted, edited, polished) artifacts!

Saturday, 9 April 2011

NZ Post Tour

Early next month I'll be touring Taranaki as part of the NZ Post Book Award finalists Tour.
I'll be visiting libraries, schools and community centres in Hawera, New Plymouth, Inglewood and Waitara.
Looking forward to seeing you all there!

For details of the NZ Post Book Award finalists for 2011, visit: http://www.booksellers.co.nz/awards/new-zealand-post-childrens-book-awards/nz-post-childrens-book-awards-finalists-2011

To VOTE  for the "children's choice" book visit: http://www.booksellers.co.nz/awards/new-zealand-post-childrens-book-awards/childrens-choice-award-voting-form

CLF Notable Book Award

Ebony Hill this month won a Storylines Children's Literature Foundation of New Zealand Notable Book Award for 2011 (for books published in 2010).
It was great to get this award (and to get a hug from Maragaret Mahy!)
If you'd like to know more about Storylines CLFNZ, visit: http://www.storylines.org.nz/

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Ness's story

began in The Sea-wreck Stranger.
Growing up on isolated Dunnett Island, Ness's view of the world is shaken when a stranger is washed up in Skellap Bay - a stranger who can't exist according to the Island Council. A stranger who won't exist if the Council finds him.

Ebony Hill is the home of Vidya's farm communities.
Ness is not the only one who longs for clean air, for prosperity, for the respite the farms offer. But are there any simple answers when right and wrong no longer apply?

Finder's Shore picks up the threads of Ness's life.
Ty and Sophie, Ronan and Dev. How will Ness respond when she discovers the true price of her choices?

Watch out for the final book in The Sea-wreck Stranger Trilogy, due out in June 2011.
For sneak previews, watch this space!

Spinning Tales

April 1-3: I and many others attended the Storylines/Spinning Tales conference in Auckland. Three days of teaching and learning, celebrating writing, catching up with old friends. Some people I only managed to catch up with at the airport as we all headed home. Busy time, loads of fun. Lucky we don't do it that often: came home exhausted!